5 Ways Padlet Wins the Internet

1. Pad-Casting

Simple instructions using Quicktime
Ever wanted to produce a class Podcast? Students can record audio WITHIN a post to Padlet.  This gives your students an audio presentation platform using any device!   Have each student research a topic and post their audio presentation to a class board. Or, let students each create their own board and post a weekly or monthly podcast to it!  When you're ready... go public (with parent & admin approval, of course)!

2. Blogging

Example from Padlet's Gallery
Blogs are short, frequent, informal bursts of writing on a variety of topics.  Give your students a voice for instant (and potentially public) responses to your prompts.  Use the "Stream" format to create a Facebook-style scrolling timeline of their thoughts on issues you present to them in class.  They are allowed one picture per post, so have them find (or create!) a meme and attach it to their post, to summarize their opinions visually.

3. ePortfolios

A very simple example
You post your own kids' work on the refrigerator door - but what about the 30 (or 130) students you teach?  Create a class portfolio where students can snap pictures or upload screenshots of their best work throughout the year.  Or, have each student create their own board, and take a picture of each of their final projects with a short reflection.  For digital projects, teach them to screenshot a preview and then add a link to the full project.  What a great way to share work with parents,  before, after, and during conferences!

4. Whiteboarding

A simple math example
Letting students draw on a whiteboard opens a channel for free expression and open planning.  Now imagine combining all of your students' whiteboards into one digital location simultaneously!  Quickly share ideas as a class, or have teams use their own Padlet board to storyboard an original production, diagram new ideas, prototype an engineering solution, or show work on a math problem.  Use the Freeform layout to add connecting lines and labels for easy flowcharts and infographics!

5. Vlogging

Imagine a full board of embedded student-made videos - the possibilities are endless! Students can film weekly self-reflections on learning. They can create YouTube-style reactions to something they read (in a reading center, at the library, or at home for a flipped classroom). They can  write letters to their future selves on the first day of school. Parents can even leave messages to their children on orientation night. Or, imagine a new twist on class presentations, where students curate media and other resources to share!

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